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October 2020 Feminist Book Club Unboxing

The theme for October's box was: THRILLER

The book featured this month was The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson:

"A young woman living in a rigid, puritanical society discovers dark powers within herself in this stunning, feminist fantasy debut."

This book looks SO GOOD! I can't wait to dive into that one. And this month, the author of The Year of the Witching, Alexis Henderson, is going to join the zoom book club chat! Other items featured in this month's box:

Every month, Feminist Book Club gives back a portion of its proceeds to a charity. The featured charity for October is the March of Dimes.

The Feminist Book Club's November theme is going to be: NATIVE/INDIGENOUS VOICES

In other exciting news: FBC is hosting a Readathon this weekend from Oct 9-11th! I'm going to be participating and you should too! You don't have to be a member to sign up, but you have to sign up to participate in their giveaways which they will be hosting all weekend. It's super casual and there are no rules other than sign up and participate! They're going to post challenges and draw names for winners all weekend. One of the grand prizes is going to be a FREE 6-month subscription!!! Sound like something you want to do? Go sign up here!

FBC has a referral program for members, so if anyone would like $10 off their order of $40 or more (for reference, the box is $49 a month), send me a message and I'll get you a link!


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