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Hi! Hello! How are you?

Oh hello! I'm Kelsee (she/her), or you may know me by my Instagram handle Rainbowreads. I made the leap and decided to start a blog. I didn't want to have a full-blown blog when I started this. I was definitely attracted by the simplicity of Instagram's photo and caption format. But I've found, after a year of doing this, that while Instagram works for me most of the time, there have been several occasions when I've had to severely edit my reviews and thoughts to fit within the caption limit. I've also found that I really would like a place where I can gather together booklists that sound interesting, resources for different social justice issues happening in the world, and otherwise offer resources that aren't really possible on Instagram. So here I am with a shiny new blog!

Kelsee with pink hair, holding a stack of books that create a progress pride flag. She's surrounded by stacks of rainbow books around her.
Illustration done by Damien Hale

Now that you know why I've decided to branch out into this format, I'll let you know a little about me. To start, I'm not an expert, in anything really. I'm just your average queer homebody who loves to read in her spare time. I'm a graphic designer first and foremost, I love to post pretty pictures of books, which was one of the reasons I gravitated towards Instagram before I thought to start a full blog. I attempted to complete a minor in English while I was in college... spoiler alert: I don't have a minor in English. So truly, take everything I have to say with a grain of salt. I, like everyone else, am always growing and learning. My reviews come from my gut and are rather arbitrary. I generally rate books positively, unless I find something very upsetting or the author has done something that needs to be called out. But I will be upfront in saying that I reserve my 5-star reviews for books that punch me in the gut and I know are going to stay in my thoughts for a very long time to come. There's no rhyme or reason to why this happens.

The first questions people always love to ask are "What's your favorite _____???" I'm going to tell you now that I'm horrible at answering this question because I love so many things. And my favorites change depending on my mood. I'm also a mood reader and while I have a loose list TBRs for a month, I rarely stick to a set schedule because I can't make myself read something I'm not in the mood to. "But Kelsee, what kinds of books will you be talking about?" Good question and the short answer is queer books or books written by BIPOC authors. The long answer is: I like a lot of different genres. I will almost always read more fiction than non-fiction. I tend to find sci-fi and fantasy capture my attention more easily than contemporary. But if something looks good, I've heard a lot of good things about it, and it doesn't fall into the white cishet characters by white cishet authors, I will read it and talk about it here. I want to lift up and give more space to books typically ignored by the mainstream. I'm a queer person and so enjoy queer books of all genres. I hope that all makes sense.

I'd love to have discussions with you! Did you read the same book? Don't agree with my rating? Just really love it and want to talk to someone about it? Have a book recommendation for me? I'm here for it! Just drop me a line and let's discuss! I can't promise I'll always be the most eloquent writer (see above and the lack of any formal degree in English) but I spend a lot of time reading and writing about what I read so I feel like that makes up for it in some way.

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to talking to you all about queer and diverse books! Happy reading!

– Kelsee


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